
Manufacturing EPS-TOPIK-2023 UBT Skills Test and Competency Test Notice

Manufacturing क्षेत्र तर्फको कोरियन भाषा (EPS-TOPIK-2023, UBT) को Skills Test and Competency Test सम्वन्धि सूचना !!!

Announcement of Test Date, Time and Venue

TEST Venue : NASC(Nepal Administrative Staff College)Notice for Examinee

A. You cannot change the designated test date, time and venue.
B. No one is allowed to enter the venue after the designated entry time.
C. No Admittance to anyone did not bring their Passport and admission ticket. D. It is a must candidates take the skills test. (If he/she didn’t take the test will be eliminated in the List.)

4. Other Notice and Comments

  1. Applicants with color blindness, color weakness are not permitted to pass point system based test.
  2. Applicants with physical handicaps such as the slipped disc or finger amputation can be excluded on
    the valid roster
  3. The use of digital devices (including but not limited to cell phones/smart phones, smart watch,
    Bluetooth earphones or other telecommunication devices capable of capturing or relaying
    informatlonlis strictly prohibited. Using or possessing a digital device during the examination will be
    considered as a cheating
  4. Dishonesty act includes, but not limited to cheating on an exam. Failure to maintain integrity on an
    exam will result in a loss of test takinB chance for 4 years.
    i. lf relevant documents submitted for competency are proven to be falsified, test
    result will be invalidated and the person can’t apply for any tests in EPS system in 4
  5. lf information in the passport and the application form of EPS-TOPIK do not match each other, the
    candidate will be not allowed to pass the point system based test and not allowed to arrive in
  6. For Certificate of career and Document to verify one’s employment, crucial information such as the
    names, signatures, contact number must not be omitted. lf there is omission or modification on
    the documents using correction fluid, correction paper or other methods, the candidate will be
    The person who successfully got in will get a chance to be listed on the valid roster but this
    does not guarantee their employment in Korea.
    lf one can’t get through health checkup or has any records of illegal stay, he/she will be
    deprived of any chance for employment.
    lf the drug test results are positive after entering Korea, you can be returned to your
    Person who have more than 5 years’ duration of sojourn including the duration of sojourn
    combining sojourn period with E-9 visa and E-10 visa can’t take the test
    {. Physical Test:
    Physical Examination on finger, desk, and color blindness will primarily be tested during the
    course of skill test.
    Even if one with color blind took the test, the test will be null and avoid.
    (. Result Notification and Expected Number of Passer को बारेमा अर्को सूचनामा प्रकाशित गरिनेछ ।
Industry Category Tasks
Assemble Insert Pins Considering the diagram, insert the pins into the slate provided according to the color, size, and shape.
Hang Items Hang the rings on the rod according to size.
Assemble bolts and nuts In the given amount of time, tighten two types of bolts and nuts according to the sketch.
Manufacture Insert Pins Considering the diagram, insert the pins into the slate provided according to the color, size, and shape.
Hang Items Hang the rings on the rod according to size.
Measures In the given amount of time, measure accurately according to the length and volume.
Join Insert Pins Considering the diagram, insert the pins into the slate provided according to the color, size, and shape.
Hang Items Hang the rings on the rod according to size.
Join In the given amount of time, link two objects in the designated point with the provided instruments.


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