Eps Topik Book In English
After publication EPS-TOPIK customary textbook in 2012, HRD Choson has revealed revised and enlarged edition of EPS-TOPIK customary textbook to assist with learning Korean for foreign employees.
This textbook is comprised of eight subjects, sixty chapters consistent to the structure of foreign workers’ job.
In order to find out korean properly, this revised edition contains from Korean alphabet and acknowledgment to the terms of skills supported NCS and essential vocabulary, grammar.
Chapter- 1 한글 익히기 Ⅰ Master Hangeul, the Korean Alphabet Ⅰ
Chapter- 2 한글 익히기 Ⅱ Master Hangeul, the Korean Alphabet Ⅱ
Chapter- 3 교실 한국어 Korean Classroom Expressions
Chapter- 4 안녕하세요 Hello
Chapter- 5 주말 잘 보내세요 Have a great weekend
Chapter- 6 저는 투안입니다 My name is Tuan
Chapter- 7 여기가 사무실이에요 This is the office
Chapter- 8 12시 30분에 점심을 먹어요 I have lunch at 12:30pm
Chapter- 9 가족이 몇 명이에요? How many family members do you have?
Chapter- 10 어제 도서관에서 한국어를 공부했어요 I studied Korean at the library yesterday