Chapter – 14 저는 비빔밥을 먹을래요 I would like to have Bibimbap.
학습 안내
Study Guide
↪ Learning Objectives Ordering food
↪ Grammar -(으)ㄹ래요, 안
↪ Vocabulary and Expressions Restaurants, Tastes of foods
↪ Information and Culture Food menu
Track 46

문법 1 Grammar 1 -(으)ㄹ래요
Attached to a verb, it is used to express the speaker’s opinion in a declarative sentence or
to ask about the listener’s opinion in an interrogative sentence. It is often used in a close
relationship as a casual way of speaking. “-ㄹ래요” is used when the verb stem ends in a
vowel or the consonant “ㄹ”. “-을래요” is used when the verb stem ends in a consonant other
than “ㄹ”.
Track G14-1
Track 47
문법 2 Grammar 2 안
‘안’ is placed before verbs and adjectives to negate an action or state. It corresponds to ‘no’
in English. Verbs such as “공부하다 (to study)” or “수영하다 (to swim)” consist of ‘noun + 하다.’
Thus, to negate them, “안” is inserted between the noun and ‘하다’ which becomes ‘noun +
안 + 하다.’ Moreover, to negate “있다 (to have)” one should use “없다 (not to have)” and not “안
있다”. “없다” by itself makes the whole sentence negative.
Track G14-2
Track G14-2
Chapter 14 EPS-TOPIK 듣기 EPS-TOPIK Listening
Questions 1 and 2 are about listening and choosing the right vocabulary.