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Chapter – 11 사과 다섯 개 주세요. Please give me five apples.

Chapter – 11 사과 다섯 개 주세요. Please give me five apples.

학습 안내
Study Guide
↪ ‌ Learning Objectives Purchasing goods
↪ Grammar 주세요, -아/어 주세요
↪ ‌ Vocabulary and Expressions
Fruit and food, Money and Purchasing goods
↪ ‌ Information and Culture Clothing

Track 37

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문법 1 – Grammar 1 – 주세요

“주세요” attached to a noun is used to politely request or politely command something. It is
often used for purchasing items.

대조적 정보 Contrastive Features
In English the pattern “give someone something” is used when asking someone for something,
e.g. “give me a pen”or “give me a book”. In Korean when asking for something, the speaker says
“something 주세요” as in “펜 주세요.” or “책 주세요’”.

Track G11-1

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Track 38

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문법 -2 Grammar 2 -아/어 주세요

Track G11-2

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Chapter 11 – EPS-TOPIK 듣기 EPS-TOPIK Listening

Questions 1 and 2 are about choosing the vocabulary for fruit and grocery items.
Question 3 is about the quantity of ramen. Listen carefully and choose the
appropriate picture.

Track 39

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Track L-11

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Chapter 11 -EPS-TOPIK 읽기 EPS-TOPIK Reading

Question 1 is about choosing a vocabulary item related to money and Question
2 is about choosing a vocabulary item related to fruit. In Question 3 you have to
choose the right expression after looking at the pictures.

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